Thursday, January 16, 2014

words nonsense 500 good do - connor chapman

If you use google enough youll find that 1 != 0.999999 cuz people are just jerks at heart trying realhard to fuck wuth you

Once I saw  pretty girl across from where I was sitting so I treid to go overand say hi but I couldn’t because there wasn’t really any girka bd I just made all that up lol shut up shut up guys stop im not really done eiter way that’s not really the point so after I was done doing that I guess I went over and sat down near the train tracks an di wreally wanted something to come swing by and hit mwe in the face but I got annoyed so I decided that apple picking was more worth ut than waiting for traint o cme and hit me you know and all that.

was he good do can want since there? ushbfjk. i think mayneV I c an justify apples in syrup cans but only afyter dinner. fv n cvv b !#$)^*4 bloop blop bleep please why are these compuyters not doing when I tell it to they keep not tLKING BACK WHEN I yell at them you can’t reason with any of it I guess that girl I talked to keep telohng me abo cczn nnc bzjh vjfgu a a a aaaaaa aaaa aaa aaaaa aaaa  aaa aa qaaaaaas ssaa a vb  hbgfg c fcguffv8bhbhvy j  bhhnh bnn.  Sometimes the clocks on my wall melt so I like it when it hits my face because it makes me feel like im getting all of like the powers of time or something but my mom says I cant and that I have to eat dinner with the rest of the family FINE MOM GOD JESUS FUCK WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE YES I TOOK MY MEDS ALREADY ALL CAPS CALL CAPCPAS LALCAP CLAPS,. The pancake house next to Saturn does really well in trade school. Lol noam chomsk////

llla the single ladies all thise sngle landies lajdi

pls halpmd

dpcl cdxz
x ugly duxklings

Ω≈  µ≤ ≥ ÷æ ƒ ∂ß å  œ ∑ ´®† ¥¨ˆ øπ“‘«≠–ºª•  ¶§∞¢ ™™¡
I once called 867-5309 and then this girl named jenny or jenji or jimmt or some shyt totes responded and dsit and she was all like omg y do nt u com over 2 my place n we cn baek colkies lol and I was like k so I did and then saw that it was accually a nidhogg so I jus lidk went home but Garfield is a rely shitty comic vbfvy6 k,bnbb b   nWhy doesn’t god let me rescue cats from under the bridge? What a wind-up merchant Lol jk im not a huge eterribly fans of le cits  Ha ja市軾忌食

In collusion, girls cats and crumpled cans of jcoke are rly icky so u shudnt do neGTHING ABOUT THAT AND REMMEBER CHILDREN USE LOGIC OPERATORS FOR SHORTHAND



  1. I thought the use of symbols in this entry was great. It reminds me of the wingdings font that I've never used, but I feel means something somehow. The symbols here are the same when they are strung together in a pseudo sentence. Aside from that, there are many interesting aspects of this entry.
    One that stuck out was the very first sentence of the second paragraph. This seems to follow a train of thought, that there was a girl the author liked, but he was unable to talk to her because there was no girl. This logic makes sense somehow, reminiscent of the sense found in Alice in Wonderland. It somehow makes sense despite its misspellings and lack of sensibility. The bold text in particular was a great standout, an example of pure nonsense, which is really unapologetic in its lack of solidity. This is pretty honest for nonsense I’d say. It takes a lot of what the other posts have, strings of letters, symbols trying to convey meaning or no meaning at all, and it almost reads as an excitable or very enthusiastic person, or perhaps a loud one.
    The kicker for me was the end. The copy right was a really great way to end this. It was pretty sarcastic and conveyed the voice of the author despite simply being a misspelled logistical end. And the last sentence, “ REMMEBER CHILDREN USE LOGIC OPERATORS FOR SHORTHAND” was sarcastic in itself, which for me is a real aspect of nonsense, a sort of dig at the fact that the entry calls for a use of something related to logic, while it doesn't have logic itself.

  2. Here is another student that seems to have taken a very different approach to this assignment than myself, as this post is written in what appears to be a more uninhibited, stream-of-consciousness style. However, we're not talking 9th grade English class, "Catcher in the Rye" stream-of-consciousness. This post seems to kind of transcend stream-of-consciousness writing...I almost want to call it "stream-of-unconsciousness" because it is so nonsensical. I mean, it's hard to bring the question of "consciousness" into this discussion because I think many of us, when posting, were doing things unconsciously; whether we revealed things about our own selves or the way our brain works or were trying to type "randomly" and not "consciously" choose what letters to post or whether we unconsciously tried to "make sense" while consciously trying to construct "nonsense." So perhaps to call this piece an example of "stream-of-unconsciousness" writing would imply that the author's own consciousness plays a role in the interpretation of the piece. However, when I say this seems like "stream-of-unconsciousness" writing, I also want to draw a distinction between the author himself and, perhaps, the "character" or "speaker" of the piece. There is nothing in the piece that explicitly suggests that Connor in his post has constructed a "character" who is speaking or thinking these words/phrases/symbols, however to me, it kind of sounds like the mad ramblings of a dying person or a person who is totally insane--someone who, as far as the rest of society is concerned, does not have "consciousness" in the same way they once did or they way in which society would expect them to. Anyway, that's just the character I imagined when reading this post, I'm not sure if the author was actively trying to channel a character or voice, or if this is simply a reflection of his own consciousness, or some combination of the two.

  3. I really liked this piece. Even though, for the most part, the language used was grounded in English, it was complete nonsense, impossible to follow for more than a couple seconds yet still incredibly effective to me as a reader. Whereas a lot of the works we have read in class establish themselves as childlike and stick to established media in order to support the nonsense of its content, this was nothing like that. For some, this may have made it difficult to read since it lacked the natural flow that other forms of writing such as the limerick or other forms of poetry with a strong rhyme scheme, I found it to be very raw, and its execution served to really strengthen the tone of the piece. It had a strong sense of chaos, like I was being presented with glitched-up snippets of text from across the internet blended together with no real sense of purpose. Nothing was ever too permanent, and, by the time the reader had gathered up enough information to make sense of what was happening, you had already moved on to the next thing. Additionally, the misspellings and run on sentences made it feel like a real breakdown in language in and of itself as opposed to the way some of the works sampled in class played with the breakdown and multiplicity of language. In less sophisticated terms, it read almost like a drunk text. This is the most entertaining drunk text I’ve ever gotten.
