Thursday, January 16, 2014

500 Words of Nonsense-Flomenbaum

            slkdfsodij lskkk sodifjsdflksdj vvv iioij sssisii slksjdf lskkk uusois kdkdid lskkk  owieur ii jjiiij lskddk lskkk quuquq. ooo xpxpx t, lskkk yioiu ososi kkckc iioiuo wwoow. sixix osksk ooo ooo wwiw qiqi oonnonstt slisisjlksdf. t x x x. skso uiui hhghg lklk, xkxkx t lmom opupo qqrr eeeddd kksks l lksdfl m m x x x. t kok t utut konon ghgh hmhmoo t x x x. lskkk yut yut tutkt, oomm ghgh t lkkko r s s. s t yuylk sodifj sodkfjsdf kdkdkd ohoh ttot sosos. t usks shoishdf woow x x x. sdofkjs t lskkk oaskjd didid ossos turrrr yosot non. soosmmm t xxx. aoao t lskkk.
             lskkk yuoi sodkd kkdkd lonn didsoos soish shsh huhhyhs yyyujm sxoxox xrxrxr slkdfj nton t r r. s kmom htt slkso. asoso koskj lskkk x x x . lskkk shmm qtq ubibo sixi, sohgoihg. hgmgm tyto yuhhhhslssooskdjfsdfm ooow w f g h. wo hhoo iti hhms kks xix xix oosos x x x. ohm msh sk xo bok dos dhgm ghm gm gm. ysos gh gh xo xix xix xix gh x x x. g hos bom hgm gms wo xo x x x. f yukbb bobmbs asdfok ighus aiaia okb k xoxmm mks bomkhj htht kbobs. t soes essst bsobsm qowie g h lkson, sokg kmomb soxog sksoiewo. 
            uotih soxohg soso x x x. lskkk aoiso. Gosksodbf goaksmd kd sooibb dkdob aoao ogiomg xix xix xix gh omob oeoeoe asdfasdfkj asodkfogkj aoskdfkaosdf moboiboasdf asodfkadsojaodskfj aosdghosidjfioasdjfaoisdjf ads foasidjfoasdjf. Aosdkfajsdofjasdfasldfja sdx x x x. asdfojdsf t aosdkfjojsdf osdiodjfaosdfjas dfoaisdjfioasjdfoifgjioadj asd foaisdjfoiajsdf asdofiajsdoifjaiodsghadfioasjdfoiasdhfoiaj oasidjfoiajsdfoiasdjf. p y aosdkjf aosdfjoasdjfoaisjdf oidhgoiadjoiasdjfoais dfoiasdjioa sdfjioasdjfioa sjdgoai sdfoiajsdfoia sdf aosdif aoisjdfoiasdj foiaj sdgihadoigjaosdifjaosifjioxcjvioxc.  oisdofiajsdofiajsd f aosidjfioasdj fa sdf as dfoia sdfoa sdf sd f asd fa sdg tr y a, da sd fa  wq e awe dasdfasd fsy  sgasdfjoasdjfa naoisdjifaosdijf. aoaijsdfoijasd fa sdo oajsdofjas df oajsdfioasdj fa oajsdiofasdf.
            laksjdf lsdjkfoaisdjg alsdkjf x x x. asdjfalsdj foaisjdfla sdfaosdjflasdjf als dflaksdjflak sdfl asdjlfkajsd flka sdfl ajsdflkajsdf alsd flakjsdflak sdf asdlf asld fjaosidfuisdofhksdhfkas df asd fa sdfljkasdkfoidfj asdjf a sdfoijasiodfj  ajsodfjasdfkal s aofij. dosdfjkalsdf asdofaisdjfas. Alsdkfjals asldfjklasjdkflas dfa sdfihadiosflaksdfjalsdf x x x.  oajsdlfj asldjfoiasjdfl as dfljasldf asdf oaidfasdgl  oaisjdfajsdf t  t t al lafkjsdlfajsdlfjaksd fo ajldsfkjaklsdf adsfj l. laksj osijdflaksdjf lsdjkfladfjg ladskjfalsdfkj alakjsdflaksjdfoijasd fa sdfjlasdjfkla sdfjoasdifjalsdf jasdklf ao. Alskdfjoajs doajsdfoalsjdkf alsdjfaosdfiajsdfl ajsdfkjalsdjfk adjgaodsgisdjflak sdfjasdfjoasldjkfajksd faosd  asldfjlaksdjf  alskdjflasdjf lasdioasd  lsdjflajsdkfoiasdflkajsd f aosidjflasdjflasd f lasjdflasdf x x x. aosdfijalsdf aosdfjalsdf ajosdifiasodf alsdjkfjaosidflajksdf asodfijasdlgkajsd oaijsdflkajsd fojijdkd dofkjadsjg ojojoj a sdfjasodfdjigaskld alsdkf.
            kjasdfkj alsdkjfoasdkjf laksdjfoaisdjfl asdjflajsdfoasdjifalsdkf asdofijasdlfjkalsd fjaosdifjalsdkfjalsd fjoasdifjasd fjalsdfkjasdf oasdjfalks dfoasdkfjalsdfj asdofjaosdkfja goadsjfoaisdfjasdfjo asokdfjoasdjkf gototo ajsodfjasodfijasogd asdofjasdiofjowqiewer dofsdjfoaisdfoasdifj goaod  x x x. laksjf oiajsdlf alskdjflaksdj fajsdfajksd flaksjdflakjsd f asdfkajsdlf asdlfkjasd falsdkjfalsdfjoidj  odjfoiasdj f osidjfoasdi faosdijfaosd faoisdf jaos dfoaijsdfoaijsd f aosdijfoaisdjf aos dfoa sdfjaosdijflas jjwq ew qelw rjewlrkwe r eot erlt erljer tlertjre.
            alskdjf asodfijasdfj alsdfjaosdj. Joasodifjalsdfk asdofajsdfoajsdfoiasdjf aosdjfaoisdjfa sdofjaosidfjasdof aosjdfajsdofiajsd faotajostj. aasodfijasodifijaosdifja sdfoasdijfoasidjfois ddjfoasjdifoasdi didiid asidooweroiewirej woweirjoiewoi otuutut ooasdfjasd f x x x. aosdjfoaisdjf aosdijfoaisdjfoajd foasdjfoiaisjdf asdoifjaosdfjiasdjoif goadjgoaidsfjiadsjif oweorieworj dfoasdofajsdjf. aasidjf aosdijfoasidjf aosdjfoasdjfios dfoaijsdfoaijsd foasjdifioasdjfoia sjoigig ogajdioasdjfooasdfija aosdifiodsjfoweorieiwjroa sdofasdjoifoasd fodsfjioxoxoxj. aosd soisdj sdofij sodifj.


  1. I really like this piece of nonsense. Even though the combinations of letters are not actual words, there is still structure to the nonsense. For instance, you have periods, spaces between what are, presumably, "words," and some of the letters are capitalized at the beginning of sentences. This reminded me of the Edward Lear limericks we read, and how even though the content itself doesn't necessarily make sense, there is still organization and structure that dictates the piece.

  2. As someone who approached this assignment very differently than the author of this post, I found this post to be hugely intriguing. I actually considered approaching the assignment in this way for a while until I changed my mind. Of course, I do not know the exact way in which the author approached this post--I have no way of knowing from the text alone if this was a "random" or "spur-of-the-moment" blog post that the author just kind of allowed to flow out organically, or, if it was planned. Judging from the text and the nature of the assignment, however, I think it is safe to assume (even though we all know what assuming does) that the goal of the author was to, for the most part, kind of just "spit out" 500 words of nonsense by typing random letters into a blog post. It is interesting, as Amy pointed out, to see how certain patterns pop up in this otherwise seemingly random collection of letters. There is use of punctuation, however, only periods (no apostrophes, commas, colons, semicolons, etc.). And there is use of spacing between "words," however, there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason regarding where one word starts and one word ends. Many of the "letter-strings," also, are far longer than the average word in English. One pattern I noticed that is perhaps a tad subtler is that within the piece, it is possible to parcel out "chunks" of text that all use similar letters. It would seem that, despite the "random" and meaningless nature of the post, the author actually tended to use the same group of several letters at a time. What I mean by that is that several lines of text use similar letters, and then it switches, and the author uses a different group of letters when typing, and then it switches again. Another pattern I noticed, this one is perhaps more glaring, is the recurrence of the "x x x" 's throughout the piece. Due to the frequency with which the "x x x" 's appear, I would guess that the author purposefully included these x's, even if the rest of the text was generated in a more "random" fashion. I wonder, however, if the author purposefully chose where and when to type these "x x x" 's or if she tried to place them randomly throughout the text. I also wonder if there is any meaning to the inclusion of the "x x x" 's? Was it a reference to the phrase "triple x" which is often used in reference to porn/scantily clad women/strip clubs/generally inappropriate content? Or is it perhaps just nonsense?
