Nonsense. Esnesnon. Gibberish. Illogically practical and
irrational. Can I fall up? Or throw down? Walk. Think. Eyes that hear. And
noses that see. Coca-cola. Calculator… Sponge.
Candy and television. Why is a double quarter pounder not a half pounder? And
will scissors ever cut rock? Talk talk talk. Bla bla bla. Hard water. Soft
rocks. Hahaha Cryptic and naïve. Time is running in… where do the fish fly? And
the birds swim? Leisure. Jingle. Comics.
A respectable scandal is inappropriate only if it is discreetly
publicized. Outside in and down
side up. Dimes and pounds and books and waves. My senses do not sense but tell.
This and that and these and those. Magazine. Hero. Hangover. Lover. Red rover.
Moreover. Da ra ra ra raaa Is my grammar linguistically inaccurate? Pomegranate.
Ice. Insanity. Its not that the questions answer and that the answers question?
Or is it? Common. Distillate. Never not enough. Twenty two and seventeen. Time
in. Staple. The Aztecs and the Mongols. Small as elephants and big as mice. Champs-Élysées.
Charger. This sugar is bitter and my medicine sweet. Hehehe This poison
is my cure and the medicine my illness. Violet. Uncomfortably comforting
comforters. # Sleeping ugly. Waking beauty. IQ. Quest. Innate. Corn. Can you eat a date on a date? Maize.
Pious. Lalala Commands. Straw. Flush. M&Ms. Clip. Box. Realize.
Discriminate. Uninsightful. Bla bla bla. Merchant. Island. BMW. A box of
chocolate is like life. French Pub and Irish fries. Balloons. Blow down.
Interstingly boring. @ Sapphire. Cheap diamonds. Mechanical. Yellow. Porridge.
Ponder. Aye!!! Ready or not!! Live, love, cry. Don Quixote. Jajaja. Tetris. What’s
undone cannot be done. Integrals. $ Never is not ever whatever, unless its
whatsoever. Is love always lovely. 3+8=38. Hard working is hardly working.
Pitcher of soda. When life gives you gates make Gatorade. Polls are Polish.
Wired. Industrial. Keys to lock and keys to unlock. Rockets in the pockets.
Pogo. Pi are round. Intertwine. Gills and feathers. Phones for the head. Hehehe
Mondays are awesome! Bucks. Nope. Zip. Nada. Zero. Killers. Fi fi fo fum Pills
from pilgrimage. Timber. Its unlawful to make laws that are illegally
unqualified or unquantified. Bazillion. uPods. Goooooogle. Rubbish. Internet
network. Lollipop. Gossip. Trim time tire. Evasive. Punctured liver. Cold. Mine
Asian. Absurd. Quantamphysicsal astronomical physiology. Several few players.
Victorious losses. Bla bla bla. Dawning horizon indirectly directional. Shutters.
Fits and fists. Level. Poker. Isolation. Unique impersonation. Smelly flowers.
Its not whats on the inside but whats on the outside that almost does not
always matter to no one. Interface. Moment. Flute. Fused mind. Misty. Not
standing over nor understanding. Fone. Lesion. Stress is not to take but only
to give. La di da di da. Lol. Yup! Lizard fur and fox skin. Air. Lashing and
trashing and smashing. No more dashing or rushing. Spills of beans. Mr. Bean.
Optionally mandatory. Minty lint. Iconic and ironic. Mish mash. Bish bash. Wet.
Pony tale. Sail. Legal crime and innocent criminal. Shop. Flop and flip. Shine.
Blindness. Accomplished.
Something I really liked about this piece was that it was sort of long a laundry list of words that went together but also didn’t go together at all. Throughout the piece I sometimes felt as if you would kind of just look around your room, find an object, write that word down, and then go from there to figure out the next word.
ReplyDeleteI also really enjoyed the parts where there were sentences and sometimes sort of morals like towards the end where you said, “stress is not to take but to give.” It reminded me a lot of different parts in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland where she screwed up classic morals and poems to mean something entirely different and not what it was meant to be at all. Overall, I think you did a really great job writing nonsense.