Thursday, January 16, 2014

500 Words of Nonsense- Hernandez

zuppers fraghzerd minonaquess illjertha hamflam frothglath jerbue hernt milthfram groathtemt perzazious flimflammery hopvergar arfdath crefger averthine serditab xernud berfalator fernatherlate cichcoh frumth branged grezzed herfenat herthaneror emfrabbled grazlingled surflaferled xinz belothan verthago corthal olpaled verned slivired  berdanet gimpfringled althernoed herfruming  feblaggled crafh merthabled xemmed quippled quarnled sippled surthaled wendithed verthaled craperfled horthled merfled nekiled urpfled delthified cerflied sewquan zekkard emibled pothelied gretharious dimled berved sithlinied graffifond grimminmgles jigzer mizder milzas gorfield grenthered harblied abdubled grack nerf plap wook dif milr hert gid bir mipled surp doog blarf gnord jfiliz frakked herkled bfuil verk maz nerp lij lezzer sirl lemmers Gorthanabuil serthaple berthid bonificient serthifer awthen quap guan jerg berfle buioy porzle boples nerh venzled qag sirw dosg bfergard hnether hilds nerzillied berpo losjl soewyr zsas  bersdf aerokok kashde kasdbe liuer uebdth zainerf siern siueb uddtheres sasd sdine dinfez sinedfer dsfihunb inethas aiwnr aqarfh asinrdu irntsht uwnet enwont iente ytbe ainab dbergf aiwsh asubrb ienras pwe ivns iehas iwhgea inwwebs iwned ubfe usdadf uefhbs isiehfuiw iasbnfd ubejb aiabsb hwvba kjandiu bhasbd iasdbuka iuabdvak jijajbsucd bahsdb ibwasd bdasdb iwnbalsdfz isdai uasbdhj kashu gvyvn uasaz haddshgga gasd aubw aiugdhfz uabsastvs thers tvers tcercolin iddasd asjdf jhdsfuyueb uabvdyebc uubdggr usubgfrebfya isbdyw yvbdvfy jbagbsbfs idsbibf ubdsufu

Herw mannerha bem gannther herw binbap blokgo ganner. Herw naber bapbin zalth quin biern nasd berfalerk banbo ger laedler mooit fher hwer ler mert gerf flimflark ooo ber nahm. Nerfht netlixf berfalurk bernappers berpappers aluise lao bermn ver flocigal ild merfanerk. Anbn berfgablard ners nbethifarht berhsgf jsdfger akjseur bzsyie gerfther suher sdhfuer saubaswfd ififgu fhue sdhhue subawer udbe getrudb subters ierfy. Itherfis usdbfiur nerheroerr inhkerhbs bbabagingin gerbowock inerh sdiher ibugfhs oash iadfhdfgkj hdgdfhv hvfgxg. Gkjxhv herhsg. Pobhgh. Herassg.

Gerbhihs ihigile isdfhafhr sdfheur herbdhsgg. Hetrhag Berabfy. Ifysauf sjdfha usdfu usdfager asfdgsbcbsoaggra hudbeadf seubfhge furger herth uthsf gergaggle iunammered amoir bersgaffled berflagilied sdfihufnnhvhhjvd jshghfihgkas tezasdh xeras serneas vernathle xylavthe basdj ndeher germathiliure berfagulous bermamifired baer. Ishta fersd amthers diz fhersh jdjjhjhahhdshg judbve
hbcece sbdiurfe berthangled adgta asthaer asubhe dasdb nerhf asdbtawr tawrs ters wert nerg herg derg ais utbd weuil hserpplied kadfu fuwang gartherbol bolinag naggerhalf asdbas jasdh uig hergthal lefg narrfh jilieuir aoursolith jasdiub ubduvzz kzxub

xhdeyg ujsdgg aubf szduge dfugs udgf aufg uutgs ervhdsf hgazia hcyer hyazinth aaufb aajil jillerzien heerbna dichyfy syferrthal assgwe sders weq qew qer qet qey qeu qei eqi qeoqas qed qef qeg qeh qwej qek qel qeza qex qev qeb qen qem qem qeo jdger kdchuu cthuibl augft gtherler fther fthukubuil levilet tergernazilled fughertg fuinke auntesd auebrt asbhub tashdiu aib asbas asueb aihaf asuhga asufg asueger asuvpasd iuagbbe ulasdb ubehbalc ausbxm nasbdye uasbdbvasdue asdubvasd asudbpapnac abucvwe iasbdue uibacolbuaef ascbpance asxbpafdbc asduberal dscob eaadifcba ibaciape oiassbx ae uasbdlcew ubca adahfba joasbcoiue bc iouhcsop oabcaefcv aackbaoef
aocncoeajca pabcpe
 abdccaoebf pachert bcpeabflh  a boiefb
lcvalehrbvc olbadcpieah lbacpuaehrf   padscik lknciiehfhf ncapre aob acnbpieh apoueirb lcnpaadf labcue ibcouaiehr alcuyaeur bcoauer lareiih uighfviahp iuiahgcb iaucgep aearii incuehrg auetrbe liefjb oihwecbe uiebdciuueb ibcciehwpqtr ihciuewrk iehrhq iuherblf gviosdug ouscbne oiceabl ieierugiue
ixc herzs swithg swalthy berfather fergad ader adlerta Mersf jerf hergathermalillion


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Mariana, I thought your usage of jibberish was interesting. With our society being dictated by grammatical rules, the usage of jibberish truly defies such rules. It becomes the true essence of nonsense literature, as the meanings of such jibberish are hard to define. I also like how you avoid capitalization; our society has started to define capitalization within writing as meaning angry or frustrated especially within social media. Your words also seem to be uniform, which I felt created a paradox. Uniformity is associated with rules or compliance to the rules themselves. Yet, uniformity within jibberish becomes paradoxical as jibberish does not comply to any such rules. This seemed to be demonstrated by the insertion of various periods randomly throughout your post. Though I also noticed that sometimes you seemed to repeat the first letter of each word that you created. I felt that this truly added to the nonsense of your post because repetition can become confusing and convoluted. Most literature is defined by its individuality, therefore, when one uses repetitions it becomes convoluted in its meanings.

  2. szklefnoqwekjnfakrl,ivnaeklsfjnwsfkjlnsgrkjwerngfvkeqjrngf vqegrnjvekjrgnvwekrjgn ewrgnjqwrignjeo;rgnjq;ekrgjnqwkr;egjnaw;lerkfjnmqw;rlgkjwngr;o3njr;qwkrejgnq;erkjgnqek;rgnj I LIKE IT
