Thursday, January 16, 2014

Nonsense Post - Melissa Mendoza

Eeights fothsed grigns ghsogts hopunms niyn com nin wiold gion hiths hew quis heit kunf holp puls tuins howf erver qits holtr notls vom nuip lamfs sliown nosh nomdlg jolwnb limabf baou baou hownd.
Sings hgig kilsd wib mon winght his jalm lop pol kib fuolsn yellu poals nere quawn naks chandel lopms lopl mings dungs jgin dhgi nsho hfot bsur ight aoont bfgiiutn jiolwp hfito shfut shfur m nfsoo nshgeys jusnf sking jainf noogb ning ah dyhg kinhl dhim kgin whdu jgn hsug wyhet oing thung king shing ehwnr guhdn onon nonf hsoen hign goggo wwisn dering rensg ing agdint goinf tunen ahfne fgong quawn naks chandel lopms lopl mings dungs holp puls tuins kgint hsine hing iopj kindy weing throoung resfirnst ueent faiing thwon goioi kinon looinbe bisung qunehty miney uipkn loned kins loken reren lilko popphan.
Yehfb iong singng longuin lonsosns nging shiehe king sungbso lovebs minsg lolovne repping sunt weehe mansds klinglg olopns wuend itng sungs quahsnong kand lingks reaj ying quength slot lsoe soeh owutn loenen lanfgsh lolwen lahgd manfge remeine guing lovet quinet hungind abrun wuwn quang wuenf ugng lobning jing wuwi huint sleong quen dorne  lahfun ehined jgung wuisn hopan low hain. hsug wyhet oing thung king shing ehwnr guhdn onon nonf hsoen hign goggo wwisn. Chandel lopms lopl mings dungs jgin dhgi nsho hfot bsur ight aoont bfgiiutn jiolwp.
Hfing kingurn hsin laon lson winf losn gghehsnfb kjefsejfbh hheb fsn jgdjksbfh snfysegfjh hgfjshgfysb urooi ouyr isgvmrt khej kybfk kysgeb lbfj jgdvshy sjyrbjj shjseiu hfruhf hsfb sfek kug utfj gir bhcsb oit tytg teusg utdv trhn tvsj djrh nvkrj sbdvhf rhhfsn kohgkk koik lok lolk oj ndjnv jnvxk kieu k suhj f knvck xb uvdh uskd iufkjdfv ifhsifn s hefbshb jsciue aefyhfs uygsgru sjhhr sgdtyes  ugfs dr gd kidu  fh sefru sfgb d yhfhs iyy iyygg isyyr ihvd dhb deyb di yii ui 8 o8t s h di863r 73uw ishfbhsd uscguys ierfgs igvj s irfdf vyr I fgu sfue so dveyrbfsjfuerf siiygf swbfh  vhdsf  uvs s fvjsf suhrf shbvdk dfhr  kfr rfksfr r gudhfgud dgnduhg dvyhgdf sdfsduhbnhf dvhsd vhjdf sdfhs dv rfghus dnvjkdfv kvdjhfs kjfvh dkncx k  ffjhdk xcjh jfhsjfb k euf sf yfh s sdhvd seyfd oiutg siofhdjfvysdh rffri f drs jhfsm sdjfsrhhvjsd dfhusd hvus iguk sduudbf  uufs ojvxk fvuijhhvjkhkd jbcjvhxj hfhdkhdjxc hcjshfh zchj ouy ouytk oiy xhkdhhx c fhdfks ehyksnbbkhs chsc khvfh sfjdfh lshd fdhfd ouyr tit urfeh rfeouf khdfjvg iugr hhksh oryhri our rjrk erhfjhvdf cfihdfb rufgjs riuyvhfd rg gufdiu ig  kigs ff yfr vn lxhh fj der wueftrt iusdftiuerhfjef yuer ifuyh v isefhjf bier ertyubiefr tefy efuy eyur ftrf etryufgudfyr rutgf rfg yrfhr  efu e wrh rfk fr urfdhfjdf  gfhskdjfn dhfhfgjk fhurytfuis tyfhsdjjgjdf v dfg fuydg hf dguydf giyfsiu gtsdf rfyysr fef dfv d  djsf sehh rf fvhhdsf gshfdg vujdhs sdfuhsyftskefnjstfyse  ufjhdfkhgv sdfkjnhdgc7uisdf fiufsbdf dfgkjh ysdj,hfyjs , ghefhs sd, igvks ., sfos bvd: fifhs s t fhgsdf s tgksdfhgy fhsfjh sgefjs khsdfd gfysh fgskfhs kdhfbsk ghhfksd khfgsm kygsdfhhsfj  sf ijksfnk sf gydke ffj td gsktuyfj. 

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this piece of nonsense. When I started to read this piece, with the words, “Eeights fothsed grigns ghsogts,” I thought I knew what this piece said. I thought it was a word scramble, and the first word was “eight” and the last word was “ghosts,” with a few wrong letters. The middle words, I was still unsure about. As I continued to read, I realized I was unable to guess the other words and saw that I was wrong about it being a word scramble. Or, if it was a word scramble, I was not the person who knew how to solve this word mystery. As my eyes continued to read down the page, I noticed that words getting longer and the paragraphs were getting denser. This author did a great job showing the evolution of the piece, from more spread out to extremely compact words. Whether this was intentional or not, this has a lot to do with the specific letters typed and the thickness or thinness of them. Visually the eyes adjust quicker to a less dense paragraph, and perhaps this is why I thought I was able to unscramble the words at the beginning. I assume the author randomly chose letters to type on the keyboard during her writing process. This technique, whether random or not, turned out well and proved to be effective in displaying her nonsense. This piece was able to help me see that even though the words are not real words, they still do not all blend together on the page. Melissa did a great job of showing this through density and the spacing of her paragraphs.
